Paintings by Rory

These are entries into an ongoing series of paintings depicting pinned insects. Acrylic on canvas.

This piece was made by going out in the middle of night to a park with a cnavas and a mercury vapor light. The light was shone on the canvas and the bugs that landed on it were filmed. Then I went through and painted where the bugs walked using lines and where the bugs stayed and for how long using circles and their diameter. Acrylic on canvas.

Collection of still lives. Oil on canvas.

is an experimental painting piece using acrylic on cnmavas that explores the color associations of the nausea.

This is a self portrait abstracted into pixels. Acrylic on canvas.

This is an oil self portrait done on canvas that explores the intimate space of my bedroom and the idea that for queer people, existence is resitance. This piece is being showcased at the Lyric theater in Fort Collins Colorado from June 2nd to June 5th.